Summary for Sitochroa palealis


Sitochroa palealis  ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Sulphur Pearl
Lepidoptera: micromoths: Crambidae

Sitochroa palealis Copyright: Stephen Rolls

Maps produced by MapMate® using Digital Map Data Copyright © Collins Bartholomew 2007. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Moth Group/Essex Field Club 2025. Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.

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National status: Local


Sitochroa palealis 3
Sitochroa palealis 3
Sitocroa palealis 1
Sitocroa palealis 1
Sitochroa palealis
Sitochroa palealis

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Sitochroa palealis on UK Moths website

Sitochroa palealis has been widely recorded over southern Britain from East Kent to Cornwall north to Lancashire and North-east Yorkshire, and has also been found in parts of Wales. The moth is an immigrant to Great Britain and in places temporary colonies have become established. On a number of sites in southern England the species has been regularly recorded over several years indicating long term establishment, and this has certainly occurred in south Essex near the Thames over the past decade or more. This species frequents grassland on light soils and grassy cliff-tops and has also been found on vegetated shingle. The larva inhabits a tubular silken web in the seed-head of wild carrot Daucus carota, and can be found between June and September. Hibernation takes place in a tough, subterranean cocoon in which pupation occurs in spring. It is not known if this species is currently breeding on any SSSIs and NNRs (Parsons, 1993). References
Species text last edited on Mon Nov 15th 2010 by user 169
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